Why we men can laugh at ourselves.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Why we men can laugh at ourselves.

Posted: 10.10.2018  ·  #1
WHY DO MEN BECOME SMARTER DURING SEX? ( hello because they are plugged into a genius)

2. WHY DON'T WOMEN BLINK DURING SEX? ( they don't have enough time)

3. WHY DOES IT TAKE 1MILLION SPERM TO FERTILIZE 1 EGG?they don't stop to ask directions)

4. WHY DO MEN SNORE WHEN THEY LIE ON THEIR BACKS? ( because their balls fall over their butt-hole and they vapor lock) ( you're laughing!!!!)

5. WHY WERE MEN GIVEN LARGER BRAINS THAN DOGS? (so they won't hump women's legs)

6. WHY DID GOD MAKE MEN BEFORE WOMEN? (you need a rough draft before you make a final copy)

7. HOW MANY MEN DOES IT TAKE TO PUT A TOILET SEAT DOWN? ( don't know.... it never happened) (C'mon guys, we laugh at your dumb ass jokes) And the personal favorite:

8. WHY DID GOD PUT MEN ON EARTH? ( because a vibrator can't mow the lawn.) keep it going!!!!!


Re: Why we men can laugh at ourselves.

Posted: 10.10.2018  ·  #2

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