A hinge on my motor home broke - not a big job a couple of screws and a handful of pop rivets.
A few minutes on the internet soon sourced a replacement for £7.00 (quite a lot I thought for a small alloy hinge but hey its for a motorhome so you half expect to be ripped off), I was on the point of clicking complete the order when I noticed something not quite right - they were charging £24.99 for postage and packing.
Obviously a mistake, so I rang the supplier who said (and I am quoting as accurately as I can) "well its a case of do I want to be bothered walking to the post office with a £7.00 hinge".
Needless to say I went else where - slightly more expensive for the part - £7.99 but P&P is £1.99.
I have not given the name of this place (but will if asked) but its a major supplier of motorhome spares.
A few minutes on the internet soon sourced a replacement for £7.00 (quite a lot I thought for a small alloy hinge but hey its for a motorhome so you half expect to be ripped off), I was on the point of clicking complete the order when I noticed something not quite right - they were charging £24.99 for postage and packing.
Obviously a mistake, so I rang the supplier who said (and I am quoting as accurately as I can) "well its a case of do I want to be bothered walking to the post office with a £7.00 hinge".
Needless to say I went else where - slightly more expensive for the part - £7.99 but P&P is £1.99.
I have not given the name of this place (but will if asked) but its a major supplier of motorhome spares.