Useful apps

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Posts: 408
Registered: 05 / 2012

Useful apps

Posted: 12.08.2018  ·  #1
I thought it would be good to share an app or two that has been useful in and around the motorhome. I already mentioned Google Keep a while ago.

I have found Ampere really useful to monitor the quality of charge point/cable for each

This is their own discription:
Have you ever felt, that one Charger/USB cable set charges your device really fast and the other not? Now, you can prove this with Ampere.

The Rambler
Eat's Sleep's craic
Location: Galway
Age: 51
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Registered: 07 / 2017
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Base Vehicle: Vauxhall Movano 2.5 CDTI

Re: Useful apps

Posted: 12.08.2018  ·  #2
Useful tip:

If you are a Google Maps user (through the app), either for gps or to complement your sat nav, you can download a map of an area you specify. This is handy to do when you are on a WiFi network in advance of traveling to a particular area. Then you are covered for any network blind spots and data useage.

I find it worthwhile to have an additional source like Google Maps available on the phone. That way the co-pilot can double check locations while the sat nav is working away in the background. I pre-downloaded practically the whole of Ireland yesterday to the phone - about 2GB in size.

Posts: 408
Registered: 05 / 2012

Re: Useful apps

Posted: 12.08.2018  ·  #3
Yes, I've downloaded most of Ireland also. It only used 305mb in my case but maybe I've deselected some stuff. Also it states it will expire in 60 days if not updated.

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