Dometic fridge recall.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 10.08.2018  ·  #1
Just got notification from Thompson’s that there is a potential fire risk with the Dometic fridge fitted to 2016/17 Rapido. It’s to do with the the 12v operating mode. They advise to disconnect the 12v connector immediately and isolate the gas supply.

Love's the Craic
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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 10.08.2018  ·  #2
I got this notice today also, but in January Ruairi (LTS) phoned me and told me that there was a recall on the refrigerator and he was sending me a lower amp fuse and a little sticker to stick on the fuse box to say that the modification had been carried out.
I spoke with him today and he thinks this is the same one, he will confirm on Monday.

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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 10.08.2018  ·  #3
This motorhome lark is turning out to be hardship.
If you buy an auld yoke, it will breakdown and leave you stranded.
If you buy a brand new shiny piece of kit, the manufacturers issue you with a recall email and leave you stuck at home.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 11.08.2018  ·  #4
The letter they sent came with instructions from Rapido on how to disconnect the 12v supply. It’s dated 29/06/17!!! I also read a post on another forum about this issue and it was highlighted in April. Seems to me that either Thompson’s or Rapido are a bit slow in notifying affected customers.

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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 11.08.2018  ·  #5
Love's the Craic
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Another recall

Posted: 28.08.2018  ·  #6
Got email today about ANOTHER recall on the Dometic fridge, apparently the fridge has to come out and the electric box at the back replaced. Unfortunately it is situated about in the middle of the top and bottom vent so removal is the only option.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 28.08.2018  ·  #7
Yeah, I read about that one. I checked with LTS regarding the original recall and they already carried it out on mine at last jab check. It just involved changing the 12v fuse from 30amp to 20amp. I had read about the change of circuit board but they hadn’t been informed about that one yet.

Love's the Craic
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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 28.08.2018  ·  #8
They have now!

Love's the Craic
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Rapido to the rescue

Posted: 30.09.2018  ·  #9
I was to have the electric's box on the back of my fridge replaced as part of the recall and as I was getting ready to go to France I asked LTS to send me the replacement part with a view to having it fitted at a Rapido dealers here in England, I chose a Rapido dealer in Cheshire 130 miles away from me and after spending a long afternoon on it they sent me on my way. A short time later when I decided to check out everything was working prior to my trip to France I discovered that the fridge would not work on the 12v when driving. Spent all day Friday trying to get the dealer to assist but all they said was that I would need to pop in with it (130 miles away) and they would look at it, I was leaving on Sunday and they were closing at 5pm. One guy I spoke to advised me just to leave it on gas.
When I was in France I decided to call Rapido for advice and I spoke to Anthony, the best and most helpful guy I have ever met in any organisation connected to the motor trade. Anthony invited me to the factory in Mayenne on the following Tuesday morning.
Apparently the part fitted was defective, (did the dealer fit me an old one and keep my new part for one of their own customers? I will never know.) which they were quite puzzled by but did manage to find, and fit me a new part and do a complete gas test. We were very well attended to and after we politely refused the offer of a car to go out in, we were left into town and collected a couple of hours later.
I was delighted with the service received and I believe all manufactures should behave in the same way.

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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 10.10.2018  ·  #10
Out of curiousity, how many of you have got the recall regarding the control panel on the Dometic 8400 series? Mine was completed back in August, this year, so I'm a bit surprised its not been mentioned.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 10.10.2018  ·  #11
Just had mine done last week at LTS. I hadn't received any notification about the recall and it was only confirmed I needed it done after phoning them. So if in doubt give them a call.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 10.10.2018  ·  #12
Quote by JMAC

Just had mine done last week at LTS. I hadn't received any notification about the recall and it was only confirmed I needed it done after phoning them. So if in doubt give them a call.

How old is your van? Mine is just turned four and I've never had any info. I'm thinking it must be newer vans than mine.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Dometic fridge recall.

Posted: 11.10.2018  ·  #13

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