Quote by Swifty
Can you tell me if class 2 on motorway ticket means we are being charged correctly as camper 7 m long
if it is class 2 it's the correct charge. the length is not so much the problem it's the height over 3 meters ( not including roof boxes Sat dishes etc, ) can be charged as class 3.
article of interest.
If a vehicle’s ‘basic’ height is less than 3 metres but reaches or exceeds 3 metres as a result of things being attached to the vehicle’s roof, whether or not the increased height ‘counts’ depends on exactly what those things are.
This link is to a French-language leaflet describing the autoroute vehicle classification system.
On the right of the leaflet is a section headed "Les Critères” that relates to vehicle height and includes a “Remarques” (Notes) section.
This says
"Things that DO NOT affect the total-height calculation
- Loads carried on the roof or on a trailer.
- Accessories such as antennas, roof-boxes or roof racks, rotating lights, taxi signs, satellite aerials, roof lights, solar panels.
Things that DO affect the total-height calculation
- Additions to the basic vehicle, such as truck sleeping pods, air-conditioners, refrigeration units."
So if your motorhome’s height is LESS THAN 3 meters without taking its roof-mounted sat-dish/dome into account, it should be charged the Classe 2 tariff.