Sky sports in pubs - great news

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
Age: 55
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Registered: 08 / 2011
My Motorhome: Lunar Roadstar 780
Base Vehicle: Fiat 2.8 JTD

Sky sports in pubs - great news

Posted: 04.10.2011  ·  #1
Great news for pubs.

This used to affect us when we had the pub, Sky Sports charged us £375 a month, and that was quite low as we were rural. Some pubs in town centres can pay over £1000 a month for sky sports, they base it on your rateable valuation.

A woman in England took it all the way to the European courts as Sky tried to prosecute her for using a Greek Decoder to receive it.

The Premier League block the 3pm matches, their reason is so that more people go to matches.


"The Premier League has lost its case in the European Court of Justice against a pub landlady who used a foreign decoder to show live matches at 3pm on Saturdays.

The ruling by the ECJ could have major implications for how the Premier League sells its broadcast rights both in Britain and Europe.

The ECJ said in a statement: "A system of licences for the broadcasting of football matches which grants broadcasters territorial exclusivity on a member state basis and which prohibits television viewers from watching the broadcasts with a decoder card in other member states is contrary to EU law."

The ECJ heard the case after Portsmouth publican Karen Murphy appealed against attempts by the Premier League to prevent her using a Greek satellite decoder."


Re: Sky sports in pubs - great news

Posted: 04.10.2011  ·  #2
Heard that on the radio.

Good for her..

I am thinking of taking Sky out as the freeview is good enough. I have a Sky box and A free to Air box in the motorhome. When Simon was fitting the system I insisted on him fitting my 12 volt Sky box as well as the new FTA box. He did tell me I probably wouldn't need it.

Have hardly used sky in the motorhome since it was fitted.

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
Age: 55
Posts: 32712
Registered: 08 / 2011
My Motorhome: Lunar Roadstar 780
Base Vehicle: Fiat 2.8 JTD

Re: Sky sports in pubs - great news

Posted: 04.10.2011  ·  #3
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