Puy du Foy theme park in France

Location: Strabane Co Tyrone
Age: 66
Posts: 9
Registered: 11 / 2011

Puy du Foy theme park in France

Posted: 01.08.2012  ·  #1
Hi all. I'm off to France next week and am considering a visit to the Puy du Foy theme park. Has anybody been there? Was it any good or was it worth the money? The tickets are working out at around 40 euro per adult. Any advice on how to get tickets etc? Does anybody have any helpful tips or information in general I can use?
I know that you can park overnight for 5 euro!!
Thanks all 8-)

Location: Bandon
Age: 60
Posts: 61
Registered: 09 / 2011

Re: Puy du Foy theme park in France

Posted: 01.08.2012  ·  #2
Great place to go, there is an aire there so you can stay on site and walk around stables etc at night get the head sets for the shows much better when you hear it in English we went back to see them again when we got the sets you can use one set between 2 the chariot races and the vikings special effects are fantastic sit in the top rows for the bird shows they fly right around the handlers stand behind you if you can stay and pay to go into the night show check times before you go as they are on certain nights only also poitiers is a must

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