ipod question - any experts?


ipod question - any experts?

Posted: 28.09.2011  ·  #1
Not so much as Mechanical but more a Technical question.

I have just inherited my daughter's ipod touch (she gets a new iphone and I get her ipod.. you can see who got the better deal)

I have never had an ipod or iphone before, only mp3 players. I have given up as they all pack in for one reason or another.

I have a hifi in the motorhome which has line in (being used for the TV/SAT) It also has a USB port on the front which is meant to be used for a pen drive to play movies etc. It has no AUX socket

My question is, can an ipod be played to the USB socket to get music through the speakers? Is it possible to back play the music on an ipod throught the charge / sync cable or is it only possible through the headphones socket?

I hope this is clear.

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Re: ipod question - any experts?

Posted: 28.09.2011  ·  #2
I'm not an expert as I use my Android as a player, but from what I know...

It will work through the line in, also you can play it through the charge/sync cable, as that is how a Docking Station works. Whether your HiFi accepts this or not is another thing. If it doesn't accept it, I have FM transmitters here for Ipods which you just tune into your HiFi.

P.S. I have docking stations for sale also :)


Re: ipod question - any experts?

Posted: 28.09.2011  ·  #3
Quote by Ally
P.S. I have docking stations for sale also :)

Any Bose portables?

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
Age: 55
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Registered: 08 / 2011
My Motorhome: Lunar Roadstar 780
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Re: ipod question - any experts?

Posted: 28.09.2011  ·  #4
NO, nearly all Gear4.

Seen a Bose one on Gumtree the other day.


Re: ipod question - any experts?

Posted: 28.09.2011  ·  #5
Is that the one with "excellete condition & excellete sound" ?

Saw that.. but not keen on a second hand one..

not with electronic gear


Re: ipod question - any experts?

Posted: 28.09.2011  ·  #6
do gear4 do a 12 volt one?

Location: Muckamore, Antrim
Age: 55
Homepage: motorhomecraic.com
Posts: 32795
Registered: 08 / 2011
My Motorhome: Lunar Roadstar 780
Base Vehicle: Fiat 2.8 JTD

Re: ipod question - any experts?

Posted: 28.09.2011  ·  #7
Bose ain't it's all cracked up to be anyhow. Processed fake sound, ask any Audiophile :)

The gear4's are real good, they are refurbished shop returns(most never even used), an idea on price... Gear4 sell one for £89.99, I have it for sale at £15 :-)

Have various different sizes.

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