Seen this on another site...
"Just to let you all know that a fourth aires de service is to open in the new year at The Commons, Donaghadee, Co Down by Ards Borough Council. We at the motorhome association have lobbied for these and have acquired a meeting with the Northern Ireland Tourist Board hosted by Mrs Arlene Foster Tourist minister to update and convince all 26 council tourist officers that our method of holiday is both progressive and sustainable. Any statistics would be appreciated to regards Mrs Chris Quinn, Chair The motorhome association. "
EDIT: seems it was posted - Thursday, December 23
"Just to let you all know that a fourth aires de service is to open in the new year at The Commons, Donaghadee, Co Down by Ards Borough Council. We at the motorhome association have lobbied for these and have acquired a meeting with the Northern Ireland Tourist Board hosted by Mrs Arlene Foster Tourist minister to update and convince all 26 council tourist officers that our method of holiday is both progressive and sustainable. Any statistics would be appreciated to regards Mrs Chris Quinn, Chair The motorhome association. "
EDIT: seems it was posted - Thursday, December 23