And for those who need to convert and practice your arithmetic
If your position is in decimal degrees (e.g. 51.50184) and you need degrees, minutes and seconds then...
The whole number before the decimal point, 51 in this case, is the degrees.
Take the decimal fraction of the position and multiply by 60...
0.50184 × 60 = 30.1104
The whole number, 30, is the seconds.
Again, take the decimal fraction of your new number and multiply by 60...
0.1104 × 60 = 6.624
This is the seconds.
So 51.50184 is the same as 51° 30' 06.624"
Working the other way (using the same position as above)...
Divide the seconds by 60...
6.624 ÷ 60 = 0.1104
Add the minutes and again divide the total by 60...
0.1104 + 30 = 30.1104
30.1104 ÷ 60 = 0.50184
Add the degrees to get the final answer...
0.50184 + 51 = 51.50184
North and East are positive (+), South and West are negative (-).
Credit to siggie on MHF