Huawei E5573Bs-320 (Beeline E5573

Love's the Craic
Location: Bangor Co. Down
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Huawei E5573Bs-320 (Beeline E5573

Posted: 16.03.2016  ·  #1
Would anyone have any knowledge on Huawei E5573Bs-320 Wi Fi. I bought it on Ebay new & unlocked
from Russia and all looks ok in its original packaging only problem instruction manual is in Russian.
I have installed a 3 network pre loaded data sim but not getting a signal, I think the WiFi needs the settings changed to enable it to work. I've spent hours with it connected to my PC but don't understand about the settings to configure it.
Any advise would be appreciated
Robert 🇧🇭 🇧🇭


Re: Huawei E5573Bs-320 (Beeline E5573

Posted: 16.03.2016  ·  #2
Love's the Craic
Location: Bangor Co. Down
Age: 74
Posts: 156
Registered: 04 / 2012
My Motorhome: Swift Bolero 682FB
Base Vehicle: 2.3 litre Fiat Ducato

Re: Huawei E5573Bs-320 (Beeline E5573

Posted: 16.03.2016  ·  #3
Got it sorted out Mark I think the 3 sim hadn't deen activated yet it only came in the post today.
Glad I don't have to take Russian lessons now.
Thanks for your help.


Re: Huawei E5573Bs-320 (Beeline E5573

Posted: 16.03.2016  ·  #4
No probs.
I was going to suggest you call round but I doubt I would have been much help Robert.

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