16" Steel Wheel Trim - Sold as Single Item


16" Steel Wheel Trim - Sold as Single Item

Posted: 05.05.2012  ·  #1
HI all, ive lost a 6" Eurotrim stainless steel wheeltrim during easter between letterkenny and achill island. Has anyone found one? unlikely I know... so im either looking to buy one or sell three (as single, pair or set) so I can buy a new full set. I cant find a supplier that sells singles. If you have any suggestions or want to buy the pm me. Thanks. 8-)

Eat's Sleep's craic
Location: Co Antrim
Age: 77
Posts: 6955
Registered: 01 / 2012
My Motorhome: Adria Vision
Base Vehicle: Renault

Re: 16" Steel Wheel Trim - Sold as Single Item

Posted: 07.05.2012  ·  #2
I notice there are 4 16 ins ones for sale second had in this months MMM. There's a telephone number as well.

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