Portable Power Station

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Re: Portable Power Station

Posted: 09.02.2025  ·  #41
Quote by heisenberg

That's some drop test ... what a plonker of a delivery driver.
Glad it's working for you.

Yeah at first I thought he must have jumped the wall and left it down beside the wall so it wouldn't be stolen but when I looked back on my cameras I seen the clown just drop it over the wall😱 lazy bugger☹😏

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Re: Portable Power Station

Posted: 09.02.2025  ·  #42
Halions,those brand new sprinters and high roof transits wrecked,every panel damaged and speeding around the roads 😡

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Ecoflow sale.

Posted: 10.02.2025  ·  #43
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portable Power Station

Posted: 10.02.2025  ·  #44
Seems they have all started. 45% off Bluetti as well.

Still waiting for Jackery to provide details of postage. They use the Shop app which is showing it as ready to be shipped since I ordered it 6 days ago. I didn’t think buying a power station would be so trying. It’s time to email them. 😡

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Re: Portable Power Station

Posted: 11.02.2025  ·  #45
Tuppence for what it's worth, got the ecoflow delta 2 (not max or pro) just before Christmas, pretty happy, particularly with things like the cigarette charger and 400w solar panels (clumsy, but effective once up! - head out of the gutter folks)

Fast charge at home in an hour...laptops and phones all good, but haven't found much use for it with things like air fryer etc

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portable Power Station

Posted: 13.02.2025  ·  #46
So, the Jackery Explorer 1000 v2 arrived on Tuesday. Impression so far are good. Tried our small kettle, used 5% and the toaster used only 2% of power. It’s going to be very useful as a back up the next time we have a big storm (in another 20 years). 🙄

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