Quote by nilrac
Martin, That then comes under construction and use (c&e) which is type approval, which would constitute a danger to the user and other road users leaving the manufacturer liable. In this case, it is concerning bad workmanship to interior fittings and not the vehicle manufacturer. This puts it a, you versus them scenario and leaves the buyer out on a limb on his own. Anybody who would trust this dealer would need their head examined
Ok, we are not talking about the base Vehicle. but lets put your words to the manufacturer Itineo. That then comes under construction and use (c&e) which is type approval, which would constitute a danger to the user and other road users leaving the manufacturer liable.
Some poor sod is driving down the busy motorway with his wife and children in the Motorhome and the bed falls down on top of him and causes multiple crashes. Is that not the same thing.
I do see where CHAUSSON is concerned and I do agree with him in part but how many Itineo owners have come along and defended their motorhomes and have any of then contacted their supplier or manufacturer and asked about checks and recalls. If they did what was the answers, have they looked to see have they a problem, if they have and they don't have any issues then all this will have done some good. and give them peace of mind,
Even if what happened to Ally, may very well be an isolated problem. it should not have been his problem to sort out, but the S---s who sold and built it.