What's that premium section all about?

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Re: What's that premium section all about?

Posted: 24.01.2024  ·  #41
Love's the Craic
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Re: What's that premium section all about?

Posted: 25.01.2024  ·  #42
Quote by ntg

Quote by lapsed

Paid. £5.99. Whatever that's about !

To those that do not understand , it is a small contribution to cover the cost of keeping this forum here.
Ally has given a lot to keep this site and he definitely should not now be paying his own money to keep it here.
Hopefully this helps to explain.

No. No. No. The 99p bit. The trouble I had with that !

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What's that premium section all about

Posted: 25.01.2024  ·  #43
Quote by lapsed

Quote by ntg

Quote by lapsed

Paid. £5.99. Whatever that's about !

To those that do not understand , it is a small contribution to cover the cost of keeping this forum here.
Ally has given a lot to keep this site and he definitely should not now be paying his own money to keep it here.
Hopefully this helps to explain.

No. No. No. The 99p bit. The trouble I had with that !

🤔 £6.00. Would have been acceptable as well. If the 99p bit was a problem 😊

Love's the Craic
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Re: What's that premium section all about?

Posted: 25.01.2024  ·  #44
Quote by sprinter

Quote by lapsed

Quote by ntg

Quote by lapsed

Paid. £5.99. Whatever that's about !

To those that do not understand , it is a small contribution to cover the cost of keeping this forum here.
Ally has given a lot to keep this site and he definitely should not now be paying his own money to keep it here.
Hopefully this helps to explain.

No. No. No. The 99p bit. The trouble I had with that !

🤔 £6.00. Would have been acceptable as well. If the 99p bit was a problem 😊

I see my nic is still blue ?
As the art mistress said to the head gardner.

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Re: What's that premium section all about?

Posted: 25.01.2024  ·  #45
Folks things just do not move as fast around here as they used to. I believe that the latest paid amounts will be registered either today or tomorrow.
Can I also remind people that the £5.99 is sterling and as sprinter has stated £6.00 sterling will also be acceptable or for those feeling generous you can send a larger amount.
Nobody will loose their money .

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Re: What's that premium section all about?

Posted: 11.04.2024  ·  #46
Hi, just paid my 'sub' for the premium section. Glad to see it, thanks :ok_hand:

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No problem

Posted: 06.06.2024  ·  #47
Don't come on here often but been around for a while. No problem paying to keep the Craic going don't know why subscriptions stopped in the first place :up:

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Re: What's that premium section all about?

Posted: 06.06.2024  ·  #48
Paint me a new colour please.

Liked by: JJF, sprinter

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Re: What's that premium section all about?

Posted: 26.06.2024  ·  #49
Quote by dobbyt

Paint me a new colour please.

As you can see I am still the same colour (format).

Do I need to do anything else to make the change.

Ultimately I want to offer support to the Co-Op.

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