Had a guy out to look at fridge, he couldn't make it work either. Finally took it to a Thetford approved agent today.
It's one of the new N3000 series and I opted for the manual model, I'll never be plugged in and less to go wrong, in my view. But it just wouldn't work.
Or would it?
What a Plonker I am
I read the manual wrong. Here is what I was doing, Power on(it flashes as no ehu) - hold selection button until it stops flashing - select whichever you want, I wanted Gas - wait on it lighting..... it done nothing.
Here is what I should of done....
Power on(it flashes as no ehu) - hold selection button until it stops flashing - select whichever you want, I wanted Gas - PRESS BUTTON AGAIN TO CONFIRM
Remember what I was saying about wearing glasses
- at least it works