I've had a day of replacing antennas, first, the TV, then the radio.
I've never liked the winegard, wind up antenna that most RV's come with, they look ugly, and having to remember to wind them down can be a pain.
So, I now have a directional, Winegard Razar antenna, easy to change, despite the time taken to remove the sticky, mastic stuff. So far, I'm getting over 80 digital channels, mainly crap I know, and that's plenty for me.
The radio always had terrible reception, and I could hardly find any channels. I thought maybe a loose connection, and that would've been fun to locate under the dash etc... However, first step, try a new aerial and bingo, fantastic reception and it just screwed in to the old aerial socket.
Nice to have an easy result for a change. Still chasing leak somewhere near the door, very strange as I've sealed everything possible around and above the door and window. I know thats where it is as, during our 3 week summer ( yeah, remember that....) i was able to test whilst it was dry and thats deffowhere i poured water....
Its a strange one as the wall inside and out is dry, but after rain, when parked up, there's a drip coming from the wall onto the concrete floor for days....