The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

mad max
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 03.12.2020  ·  #1521
a friend of mine has a 06 Sprinter that is running like a watch, He replaced the side door and one of the back doors due to rust in the past,

In fairness the sprinter and transit are known for the rust problems

@sprinter Is the hunt on for a replacement or can you repair the one you have Martin?


Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 03.12.2020  ·  #1522
Sorry to hear that Martin,, have you any hope of a fix ??

Liked by: eirebus

Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 03.12.2020  ·  #1523
Quote by Daffysparks

Sorry to hear that Martin,, have you any hope of a fix ??

@mad max
I have already replaced all 5 doors, I have been on to a supplier in Poland who has the full panel kit in stock, just need to make sure it is for our Sprinter. Parts themselves are not that expensive, it will go to a panel shop next week to see if they can actually be welded into place, If I'm going to do it Imay as well do everything, it will be the labour figure that will dull the Christmas.

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mad max
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 03.12.2020  ·  #1524
Its good that the panels are available,

Liked by: sprinter

The Rambler
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 03.12.2020  ·  #1525
So is the chassis and underbody sound then?

Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 04.12.2020  ·  #1526
Quote by The Rambler

So is the chassis and underbody sound then?

there was no mention of the chassis, so that's why its going to the shop to check, the only other problem was brakes, it passed the test, but on a visual one of the outside rear pads was worn nearly to the metal, which is a bit strange, as I put new discs, pads on and thete is very little milage since, must be something sticking, but that's a minor issue for myself.

Liked by: The Rambler

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 04.12.2020  ·  #1527
Quote by sprinter

Quote by The Rambler

So is the chassis and underbody sound then?

there was no mention of the chassis, so that's why its going to the shop to check, the only other problem was brakes, it passed the test, but on a visual one of the outside rear pads was worn nearly to the metal, which is a bit strange, as I put new discs, pads on and thete is very little milage since, must be something sticking, but that's a minor issue for myself.

Hope it's good news Martin 🤞🤞

Liked by: sprinter

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 04.12.2020  ·  #1528
Hope you get it sorted without too much expense Martin....👍

Liked by: sprinter

The Rambler
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 04.12.2020  ·  #1529
Quote by eirebus

Sorry to hear that Martin but you do live close to the sea which wouldn't help

I had to get my fuel lines rebuilt along with the ECU housing and injectors replaced because of rust. The guy who did the work suggested that in future if parked up by the coast, that I should face the van in the opposite direction of the sea. Now why would I spoil a nice view like that? That’s just not how we use our vans now is it?

Best of luck getting it sorted Martin.

Liked by: sprinter

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 04.12.2020  ·  #1530
Quote by sprinter

Quote by The Rambler

So is the chassis and underbody sound then?

there was no mention of the chassis, so that's why its going to the shop to check, the only other problem was brakes, it passed the test, but on a visual one of the outside rear pads was worn nearly to the metal, which is a bit strange, as I put new discs, pads on and thete is very little milage since, must be something sticking, but that's a minor issue for myself.

That is a bugger Martin, hopefully you can get it over the line without much expense, just after getting my pajero passed after spending nearly 1300 euro. I got Sprinter parts a few years back from a guy near Carlow, he only broke Sprinters, someone on the site might know his name if it helps.

Liked by: sprinter

Paul mcg
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 05.12.2020  ·  #1531
Hope you get it sorted sprinter and keep up all your good posts . thanks 👍

Liked by: sprinter

Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 05.12.2020  ·  #1532
Quote by CHAUSSON"]

Quote by The Rambler

So is the chassis and underbody sound then?

there was no mention of the chassis, so that's why its going to the shop to check, the only other problem was brakes, it passed the test, but on a visual one of the outside rear pads was worn nearly to the metal, which is a bit strange, as I put new discs, pads on and thete is very little milage since, must be something sticking, but that's a minor issue for myself.


That is a bugger Martin, hopefully you can get it over the line without much expense, just after getting my pajero passed after spending nearly 1300 euro. I got Sprinter parts a few years back from a guy near Carlow, he only broke Sprinters, someone on the site might know his name if it helps.

I know the guy in Carlow Pat, he goes by the rear and sliding doors from him a couple if years ago.I've ordered a 10 part repair panel kit from Poland and as of last night I'm told the courier has them. so we'll see how it goes.

mad max
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 05.12.2020  ·  #1533
Hopefully you will be waltzing with Matilda before ya know it Martin :up: :up:

Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 05.12.2020  ·  #1534
Quote by mad max

Hopefully you will be waltzing with Matilda before ya know it Martin :up: :up:

Well my 8 year old Granddaughter showed me a sign in Deals that said.

If Grandad can't fix it it's f### ed.

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 05.12.2020  ·  #1535
Quote by sprinter

Quote by mad max

Hopefully you will be waltzing with Matilda before ya know it Martin :up: :up:

Well my 8 year old Granddaughter showed me a sign in Deals that said.

If Grandad can't fix it it's f### ed.

I'd say she's right there Martin 😁

Liked by: sprinter

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 06.12.2020  ·  #1536
Quote by sprinter"]

Quote by sprinter

Quote by The Rambler

So is the chassis and underbody sound then?

there was no mention of the chassis, so that's why its going to the shop to check, the only other problem was brakes, it passed the test, but on a visual one of the outside rear pads was worn nearly to the metal, which is a bit strange, as I put new discs, pads on and thete is very little milage since, must be something sticking, but that's a minor issue for myself.


That is a bugger Martin, hopefully you can get it over the line without much expense, just after getting my pajero passed after spending nearly 1300 euro. I got Sprinter parts a few years back from a guy near Carlow, he only broke Sprinters, someone on the site might know his name if it helps.

I know the guy in Carlow Pat, he goes by the rear and sliding doors from him a couple if years ago.I've ordered a 10 part repair panel kit from Poland and as of last night I'm told the courier has them. so we'll see how it goes.

Good stuff Martin :up: Thats funny, the time I was with him ,there was a Polish guy there after buying an old sprinter which he had loaded to the brim with sprinter parts and was driving it back to Poland where he was going to break the van and sell all the parts.

Liked by: eirebus, sprinter

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.12.2020  ·  #1537
Thinking forward to touring Ireland again next Spring/Summer I ordered a second cassette today. It's a pain in the butt (pun intended) trying to find places to empty a cassette here on The Auld Sod.
Being a CAMC member I got 10% off the £99.99 price making it £89.99 plus £7.49 delivery :-) to my Parcel Motel address in Newtownabbey.
Delivery direct to my home address would have been about £55 >_<


Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.12.2020  ·  #1538
Always good to have the second cassette.

Liked by: ntg

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.12.2020  ·  #1539
Bought one ourselves at the beginning of this year,it is still in the cardboard box it arrived in.
Peace of mind is great and if the need arises I will have no problem in putting it into circulation.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.12.2020  ·  #1540
Quote by baguette

Thinking forward to touring Ireland again next Spring/Summer I ordered a second cassette today. It's a pain in the butt (pun intended) trying to find places to empty a cassette here on The Auld Sod.
Being a CAMC member I got 10% off the £99.99 price making it £89.99 plus £7.49 delivery :-) to my Parcel Motel address in Newtownabbey.
Delivery direct to my home address would have been about £55 >_<

Always good to cover your Ass.😁

Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 24.12.2020  ·  #1541
Well I got the type of Christmas news you don't want, Matilda isn't economical to repair. As everything
works, some replaced new.
The easy option, sell it on to someone who wants to do a conversion.
Buy a van and do the conversion my self , problem with that is you really need a covered area big enough to take two vans side by side.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 24.12.2020  ·  #1542
Sorry to hear that Martin, option 2 would be good if you could get somewhere to do it

Albert the Talbot
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 24.12.2020  ·  #1543
Quote by sprinter

Well I got the type of Christmas news you don't want, Matilda isn't economical to repair. As everything
works, some replaced new.
The easy option, sell it on to someone who wants to do a conversion.
Buy a van and do the conversion my self , problem with that is you really need a covered area big enough to take two vans side by side.

Unaware as to where you are based but keep an eye out for a farmyard that may have an empty silage pit of hayshed. If it were the same van I would have thought you could do the changeover quite quick


Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 24.12.2020  ·  #1544
That’s a bummer alright. Any empty units near you, that you could rent for a month or two

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 24.12.2020  ·  #1545
Quote by sprinter

Well I got the type of Christmas news you don't want, Matilda isn't economical to repair. As everything
works, some replaced new.
The easy option, sell it on to someone who wants to do a conversion.
Buy a van and do the conversion my self , problem with that is you really need a covered area big enough to take two vans side by side.

Sorry to hear your bad news Martin, probably the best thing is not to make a rash decision which you could regret later.
Enjoy your Christmas and give it some thought.

Liked by: CHAUSSON, eirebus, sprinter, StrandCampingDoonbeg, +deleted user

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 24.12.2020  ·  #1546
Bet you could repair it yourself or ‘on the grip’. Just take your time Martin. We Loved your Van.

Liked by: ntg

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 31.01.2021  ·  #1547
Well today I fired the old girl up and headed west...

Approaching my 5km limit I doubled back and headed east for nearly 10km, one more time to the west, then east and then home. 38km, all within my 5km radius to blow all of the cobwebs off.

The motor tax expires at midnight so all's left to do is declare it off the road, hopefully just for the one month.

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 31.01.2021  ·  #1548


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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 31.01.2021  ·  #1549
Quote by <BM>


The drawback to that is you won't be able to give the van a run to help keep it in good order, tyres, brakes, suspension etc IMO
It also only saves €10 PM

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 31.01.2021  ·  #1550
Quote by eirebus

Quote by <BM>


The drawback to that is you won't be able to give the van a run to help keep it in good order, tyres, brakes, suspension etc IMO
It also only saves €10 PM

That's why I was out today. You can choose to tax it at any time.

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 21.02.2021  ·  #1551
Over the past few days, I tidied up 15 years of ad hoc wiring and additions while I was installing my new 1500watt pure sine inverter.
No voltage drops now with 25mm² cable and proper bolt-on connections.
Now ready for off-grid microwaving and coffee making when we're allowed on the road again.


Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 22.02.2021  ·  #1552
Brilliant Colin, identify all the different stuff. what is everything for?

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 22.02.2021  ·  #1553
Quote by sprinter

Brilliant Colin, identify all the different stuff. what is everything for?

The two white and the grey units across the bottom are the original Rapido 12v distribution/management system and fuses, the 230v mcb's and the mains 12v charger/transformer.
Above them is the Stirling B2B 50amp charger for the habitation batteries.
To the left of B2B is a CBE CSB2 unit which sends charge to the engine battery from the leisure battery when the engine is not running.
The two sockets and plug is the manual changeover arrangement between EHU and Inverter power for the socket ring in the mh.
To the left of that is the MPPT Solar charge controller.
The relay is to isolate the habitation batteries from the 'house' system when the engine alternater is providing its power via the original split charge system, this eliminates any back feed from the B2B charger to the base vehicle system via the 'house' system
The black box on the shelf is the 1500W pure sine inverter.
The two batteries are 105a/h deep cycle Monbat traction units.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 22.02.2021  ·  #1554
That took alot of planning, why the CSB2, does the MPPT not give a trickle to the engine battery

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 22.02.2021  ·  #1555
Quote by eirebus

That took alot of planning, why the CSB2, does the MPPT not give a trickle to the engine battery

Not the one I have and AFAIK most don't, so I use the CSB2 which works a treat.

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 20.03.2021  ·  #1556
I'm Inverted. Just got the inverter fitted today. It was easy to fit although I got a big spark at one stage. Mrs TommyS has tested her hair dryer and it has passed. Next project is to fit the solar. I got a kit but when checking it over I noticed that the fuse in the MPPT controller was stuck fast. I didnt want to take a pair of pliers to it in case I damaged it so sent the controller back. It will give me time to measure and measure again to see where I'm fitting it

Liked by: panda, +deleted user


Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 20.03.2021  ·  #1557
Well not bought.... but sold, last week. Our trusty mobilvetta for the last 5 years almost. Sad seeing it go, but onwards and upwards. Collected the new to us van yesterday, and while no time today to Investigate, it appears to be everything we wanted.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 20.03.2021  ·  #1558
Congratulations on your new Motorhome Dave and Ben!......Wishing you many years of happy memories in her 👍

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 20.03.2021  ·  #1559
Just to add.... Congratulations to the new owner of your previous Motorhome....they got a good un 👍

Liked by: eirebus, +deleted user

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 20.03.2021  ·  #1560
Health to drive David. What did you get or have I missed something

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