The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 26.09.2020  ·  #1481
Quote by Paul mcg

Were are you going to put your bike 😄

Would you believe Paul but I have no desire to own a bike.....They are more popular now than ever but dont want to turn into a Mamil! :lol:

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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 27.09.2020  ·  #1482
You won't need a ladder any more to clean the Solar panel and roof , I'm sure you know a woman who can now step out of the window onto the box and then the roof, easy peasy with lemon squeeze.😁

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Paul mcg
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 27.09.2020  ·  #1483
We put about 300 kilometers on the motorhome this weekend and I never took the bike of the bike rack :lol:

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 27.09.2020  ·  #1484
We did more the 300k,but unlike you I leave the bikes in the shed at home because they take up too much room in the boot and are never used. :'( :'(

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Paul mcg
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 29.09.2020  ·  #1485
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 29.09.2020  ·  #1486
Quote by Paul mcg

Got a nice present from my daughter she embroidered it

Well done daughter!! cracker!

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 30.09.2020  ·  #1487
Lovely work!.....Very artistic indeed👍

Liked by: Paul mcg

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 30.09.2020  ·  #1488
Beautiful. She could start up a little business!

Liked by: Paul mcg

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 09.10.2020  ·  #1489
Quote by TAYLOR.

We did more the 300k,but unlike you I leave the bikes in the shed at home because they take up too much room in the boot and are never used. :'( :'(

300,000 miles thats some trip, :-/

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 09.10.2020  ·  #1490
It is likely that over the winter, weather and movement restrictions will reduce our use to day trips. Our van is prone to having the rubber seals on roof vents stick to the plastic glazing. Today I put greaseproof baking paper strips between seal and plastic. I did this last year as well. Works well and is a cheap fix. I have in the past used silicon and Teflon to try to solve the problem but usually only successfully for a short time. Added benefit is that the strips of paper can be removed and replaced easily allowing use of vents over the winter when required.


Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 09.10.2020  ·  #1491
Although I love my Billy the one downside is the bench seats/bed are like concrete so slabs are going off to be re-cushioned with a medium hard foam on the bottom and medium soft on the top, local company based in Bristol they collect and deliver included in the price. Downside is they keep to one side for a week and they are stuffed out with work so may be upto two weeks before they can get round to doing them.
Having done now as Maureen finally has a date for her Knee op and we have to self isolate for two week starting beginning 19th Oct and cant go anywhere before and will be a little time before we can go after so looks like the old SORN for Billy at the end of the month.

Liked by: panda

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 09.10.2020  ·  #1492
Quote by Davy

It is likely that over the winter, weather and movement restrictions will reduce our use to day trips. Our van is prone to having the rubber seals on roof vents stick to the plastic glazing. Today I put greaseproof baking paper strips between seal and plastic. I did this last year as well. Works well and is a cheap fix. I have in the past used silicon and Teflon to try to solve the problem but usually only successfully for a short time. Added benefit is that the strips of paper can be removed and replaced easily allowing use of vents over the winter when required.


What a great idea, will be using with a slight modification of using a full sheet as this will stop any sun damage,

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.10.2020  ·  #1493
Went up to riverside caravan Parkin Enniskillen to test out new solar panels and 12 volt tv and new 12 volt chargers .and few other bits all works brilliant fitted by leisure tech in Lisburn . Them boys have a good set up down there

Liked by: eirebus, ntg, panda, sprinter


Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.10.2020  ·  #1494
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.10.2020  ·  #1495
Quote by Daffysparks

I walked past mine....... it was still there 🙃

I know the feeling.😞

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.10.2020  ·  #1496
Cleaned the roof it was beyond dirty

It deserved it, she's going to have her 1st year anniversary with us next week.

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.10.2020  ·  #1497
Wishing you many more anniversaries.👍

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 10.10.2020  ·  #1498
Quote by ntg

Wishing you many more anniversaries.👍

Thanks very much :)

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 14.10.2020  ·  #1499
Fitted an adjustable mount for the reversing camera. No longer a view of the bike rack.


Perhaps someone could right the picture, please.

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Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 14.10.2020  ·  #1500
Thought it was a telescope 😁😁

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 17.10.2020  ·  #1501
On the journey home from Spain I managed to scuff one of the plastic corners at a toll booth, so too into it today and brought up like new after using multiple grades of wet&dry etc.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 17.10.2020  ·  #1502
Beginning to look like overnight trips are unlikely, resigned to day trips, so fitted the fridge winter vents. Not because of the temperature, but simply to reduce potential rain and insect ingress.


Paul mcg
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 26.10.2020  ·  #1503
Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 26.10.2020  ·  #1504
I’ve almost run out of things to do decided to fix the drawer lock ,it’s one of those when you turn the key a bar inside goes down and locks the drawers in so if the cupboard door opened the drawers don’t fly out but there’s a small part on the lock which has broke of scrolled the net can’t find one anywhere

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 26.10.2020  ·  #1505
I've had 2 individually mounted solar panels since I initially installed them away back.
Yesterday I removed 4 of the 8 brackets and clamps and joined the panels together. A much neater job now, which no one will see unless looking down from above 😏

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Albert the Talbot
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 26.10.2020  ·  #1506
That looks all out of kilter, I think you need two more panels to balance it up mate😂😂

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 27.10.2020  ·  #1507
yep 2 more :)

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 27.10.2020  ·  #1508
Definitely crying out for 2 more panels! :happy:

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 27.10.2020  ·  #1509
Quote by panda

Definitely crying out for 2 more panels! :happy:

The charge controller will cover 300watts so another 100w panel will be a simple addition, that would still leave space to walk around the roof to access the other stuff for any maintenance that might be required.

Liked by: panda, Paul mcg, sprinter

relay racer
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 27.10.2020  ·  #1510
baguette that van looks class ,a real beauty

Liked by: baguette

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 27.10.2020  ·  #1511
Quote by relay racer

baguette that van looks class ,a real beauty


Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 12.11.2020  ·  #1512
So went out to van yesterday and done double take when I noticed both air pressure gauges on my air suspension were at zero!!! As it was lashing rain I waited till today to investigate. Turns out I had routed the pipes over the heating outlet exhaust😚 and it melted through...what a plonker😁

Anyway...had airline connectors at hand and cut away damaged area, attached connectors and all is good...back up to pressure at 2 bar. I made sure it was away from heating exhaust this time 😇

Liked by: eirebus, GMAC, Mark&Wendy, Paul mcg, ROBANDSUE, sprinter, +deleted user


Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 15.11.2020  ·  #1513
Cut down a gum tree that was starting to encroach over the MH port. I was afraid it might come down on it. Also it was starting to go green in that area. Also while I had it out, brought it RMD or a spin. First one in 6 weeks. I must say the MH port is about the best investment I have made for the Motorhome

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 15.11.2020  ·  #1514
The alarm went off for no apparent reason a few days ago and again a couple of time after reset so I left it off altogether. Today I investigated and found the habitation door contact had gone faulty. It's now replaced and all is good again.
Next job to keep sane, I'm thinking about tidying up the wiring around the batteries, inverter, solar charge controller and B2B unit. They are all of different vintage and the wiring is a bit ad hoc.

Liked by: eirebus, GMAC, Paul mcg, +deleted user

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 15.11.2020  ·  #1515
Decided to fit a new tracker and found perfect place or at least thought I did, found nearest permanent live on the electric step switch so thought I would use that connected up using what appeared to the the earth connection on the switch also, all connected tracker worked, press the step switch and loud clicking noise from the relay and step wouldn't move, so knacked, and although I have a couple of spares only have 4 pin version and needed a five, just hope that all I buggered up.

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 15.11.2020  ·  #1516
Quote by Daffysparks

Cut down a gum tree that was starting to encroach over the MH port. I was afraid it might come down on it. Also it was starting to go green in that area. Also while I had it out, brought it RMD or a spin. First one in 6 weeks. I must say the MH port is about the best investment I have made for the Motorhome

The gum tree will grow back. Millions of years of Australian wildfires have caused them to evolve to grow back once anything at all is left below the surface.

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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 16.11.2020  ·  #1517
Oh I’m aware of that. This is its third cycle in 25 years 🙁

Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 03.12.2020  ·  #1518
Brought it to the VTN center where they told me it was mechanically sound, BUT it has failed critical and to take it off the road as it was unsafe to use on the public road. RUST & RUST & more RUST.
German phrase 'vorsprung durch technik comes to mind. This phrase has been used as a strapline in adverts for German cars since the 1980s, capitalizing on the German reputation for technical expertise. A literal translation would be 'advancement through technology'. There's no single English word that is an exact equivalent.
Well, I have one b******s who built vans out of Heinz bean tins.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: The..... What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 03.12.2020  ·  #1519
Quote by sprinter

Brought it to the VTN center where they told me it was mechanically sound, BUT it has failed critical and to take it off the road as it was unsafe to use on the public road. RUST & RUST & more RUST.
German phrase 'vorsprung durch technik comes to mind. This phrase has been used as a strapline in adverts for German cars since the 1980s, capitalizing on the German reputation for technical expertise. A literal translation would be 'advancement through technology'. There's no single English word that is an exact equivalent.
Well, I have one b******s who built vans out of Heinz bean tins.

Sorry to hear that Martin but you do live close to the sea which wouldn't help

Eat's Sleep's craic
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What did you do to your Motorhome today thread!

Posted: 03.12.2020  ·  #1520
Quote by eirebus

Quote by sprinter

Brought it to the VTN center where they told me it was mechanically sound, BUT it has failed critical and to take it off the road as it was unsafe to use on the public road. RUST & RUST & more RUST.
German phrase 'vorsprung durch technik comes to mind. This phrase has been used as a strapline in adverts for German cars since the 1980s, capitalizing on the German reputation for technical expertise. A literal translation would be 'advancement through technology'. There's no single English word that is an exact equivalent.
Well, I have one b******s who built vans out of Heinz bean tins.

Sorry to hear that Martin but you do live close to the sea which wouldn't help

Sorry Dave. but that's not an acceptable excuse, it was based in six mile bridge for 14 years and I live over a mile from the sea and don't have a rust problem with anything else.
Mercedes scammed the whole van business by not treating the scrap metal the made all their Sprinters from.

Liked by: Bounder

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