Sorry folks. Going back to my post, no 93, my recommendation was to increase the wall supports, not the roof supports. Side to side roof motion is only going to be stopped by increasing wall structure not roof supports.
If the roof cracks in a different spot, to be honest, I dont know.
With the current cracking means that the manufacturer probably didn't do a comprehensive wind tunnel experiment to highlight roof movement, a very expensive process.
If Ally can find a certify automotive engineer to back up my thoughts, Itineo are on a back foot. The engineer makes a complaint to the bodybuilding certification complainance organisation that Iteneo uses for their certification. In short this is known in as a CoC, certificate of comformity. If the complaint is up held, their business is held up until the marketplace recalls and repairs are completed.
I work at truck bodybuilding with auxiliary lifting equipment and we use NSAI certification as our European type approval for vehicle certification evary day of the week. If we f*** up and someone does prove that our goose is over cooked, we lose our license until a huge re approval process.
Here the Irish version of European Vehicle type approval process…-approval/
The good news is that the Uk had been doing this for a few years before us but the process is based on historical designs.
Attack the European body type approval of the base vehicle CoC , I believe is the best way forward for you.