
mad max
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Re: Portumna

Posted: 26.05.2019  ·  #41
Stayed in Portumna last night,
Spoken with Noel and asked what was the plan for casette emptying,

He said temporary arrangement is to empty the casette into the grate in the middle of the grey water bay, so empty the casette and then let the grey water after it to sort of flush it,

Planning permission has been granted to waterways ireland for the installation of the casette empty point, Noel did not know when it is going to be completed

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portumna

Posted: 26.05.2019  ·  #42
That will probably take 6 months, a raft of engineers and 20 minutes of a builders time with some stuff abandoned in a corner of his van.
In general a positive development that progress is being made.

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 26.05.2019  ·  #43
Quote by mad max

Stayed in Portumna last night,
Spoken with Noel and asked what was the plan for casette emptying,

He said temporary arrangement is to empty the casette into the grate in the middle of the grey water bay, so empty the casette and then let the grey water after it to sort of flush it,

Planning permission has been granted to waterways ireland for the installation of the casette empty point, Noel did not know when it is going to be completed

Only ever stayed there once and that was 4 years ago, I thought the regulars were lifting a man hole cover to dispose cassette waste, I might be wrong and mixing it up with some place else.

mad max
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Re: Portumna

Posted: 26.05.2019  ·  #44
You are in the right spot alright Pat,

But what was happening was some lazy b******s would use the 1 ft square man lid (and miss it some times) and walk away and leave the lid open,
So on safety grounds it was sealed to prevent an accident, As far as i know it was a temporary measure to tie over until the proper service point was constructed but as usual lazy lads spoil things again,

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Posted: 31.05.2019  ·  #45
Currently sitting on Portumna aires site. Intend staying 3-4 days. Very, very clean. Trash collected twice daily by CoCo worker. He also checks that tickets are in date. Currently 9 campers in situ.

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 31.05.2019  ·  #46
Quote by franco

Currently sitting on Portumna aires site. Intend staying 3-4 days. Very, very clean. Trash collected twice daily by CoCo worker. He also checks that tickets are in date. Currently 9 campers in situ.

Maximum stay of 48hrs consecutively if you are to abide by the terms of the Aire!

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 31.05.2019  ·  #47
If your paying your €10.00 each night I don’t think anyone cares how long you stay ,loved portumna great town-great pubs enjoy

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 31.05.2019  ·  #48
Not the point......!
I am alright Jack.....why should I care about anyone else.

Maybe no one gives a sh*t.....maybe they do.

Maybe someone else wants a place for a night!

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portumna

Posted: 31.05.2019  ·  #49
What are the consequences of over staying?
I have heard stories of guys, swapping spaces in Portumna in order to stay longer.
It's important to remember that a few cute hoors could balls up things for everyone.
On the otherhand, because Portumna is now very popular, maybe now is the time to lobby for a third row to be developed.

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 31.05.2019  ·  #50
I get disappointed when I read some of the posts in this thread. I have spent countless hours visiting councils and lobbying for parking and always based on the 48 or 72 hour model. Always trying to paint us as reasonable and sensible users. If an Aire is not full then perhaps you can stretch it a little, but a couple of the posts on here are essentially extolling camping.

You might as well contact ‘mr Smith’ who is taking legal action against one district council which could have far reaching consequences on Aire development in the north, and assure him of your support in his action.

Which is worse, the guy who gets photographed parking sideways across 3 bays in a supermarket or the van that overstays his welcome on an Aire?

Rapidly getting to the stage of saying to myself, feck it why should I bother?


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Re: Portumna

Posted: 01.06.2019  ·  #51
I don’t think we should be running ourselves down just because a Few people have a disregard for others, (happens in all areas of life in my option) hope they will someday get the message. I would like to encourage Davy.

Keep up the good work Davy as the majority of Motorhome rs will benefit and be grateful. 👍

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 01.06.2019  ·  #52
I think a bit of common sense needs to be used in these situations. They are not always Black and White sometime there are Grey areas, I have no problem with a Motorhome parking across three spaces in the far end of an empty Carpark for a short while doing something like planning his onward destination, what I do have a problem with is the Do good’r that photographs him across the three spaces making it look like they were the last three parking spaces in Ireland and then putting it on social media to gain likes and comments, then you have a shower of keyboard warriors out to linch the Motorhomer. Regarding Portumna, I would not have a problem with someone staying longer providing they were un occupied spaces in low season but then move on when the place is getting full.
We bought the Motorhome to enjoy it, not get into arguments. I have to admit there are some plonked out there, but there are two sides to every story. Remember all of those photos and comments might not be the actual facts of those situations.

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portumna

Posted: 01.06.2019  ·  #53
Portumna is overflowing tonight, from what I have heard.
5 extra vans parked more than bays provided.
This weekend is the proper start to the summer touring season.
Hopefully this is a once off event.

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 02.06.2019  ·  #54
Hopefully this is a once off event.

Why do I think this isn't going to end well for motorhoming 😕

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 02.06.2019  ·  #55
We’re our own worst enemies. Some people never learn, some don’t want to. Sad 😢.

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 03.06.2019  ·  #56
Quote by Davy

Rapidly getting to the stage of saying to myself, feck it why should I bother?


It gets very hard to keep the faith. Have nearly got to that point numerous times.

But if it wasn't for those of us who actively promote good parking behaviour, guides to councils and everything else, imagine the balls up it would be then!

Gotta keep at it, or the plonkers win.

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 05.06.2019  ·  #57
Don’t get me wrong I’m one for sticking to the 48hour rule but what I’m saying is if there room to stay a 3rd night I see no problem when we arrived to find there where about 8 empty spots when we went into the town and came back there were only 3 vans left, loads of room, we weren’t keeping anyone from having a space ,if we had of been staying a 3 rd night there was loads of spaces left, I still would have been paying my €10.00 if it had of been full that would have been a different matter, I would move on ,is it not better paying to keep Aires like portumna afloat rather than give it to some of the overpriced campsites if the room is available,I hear a lot on these forums about people complaining about private sites over charging ,I for one would rather leave my ten euro in portumna,I didn’t and I wound not keep other campers from parking anywhere as I’ve said I move on if the site states a maximum stay ,but I’m also saying if the rooms there why not use it .I’m sure there’s a saying let him who has done no wrong cast the first stone I feel greaved at being labelled a cute hoor I have stuck to every rule that there is in motorhoming and have never crossed any lines that would bring my hobby into disrepute, I’ve never had to climb down of a high horse

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portumna

Posted: 06.06.2019  ·  #58
🤔 what no reply’s

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on Portumna

Posted: 06.06.2019  ·  #59
Quote by hillton9

🤔 what no reply’s

Ok you #####****##*#""#**#£"####_**"'*"" happy now :D

Eat's Sleep's craic
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Re: Portumna

Posted: 06.06.2019  ·  #60
Thanks for the reply’s 👍 I think I’ve made a valad point and I won’t make any further comments on the subject

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Re: Portumna

Posted: 06.06.2019  ·  #61
My reply would be, I am in complete agreement with what you have said. In fact I expressed the same opinion in my original post. My difficulty is that on an open platform such as a forum, we leave ourselves open to examination and criticism by others who are not of a like mind. By all means use common sense when visiting but don’t be giving ammunition to the ‘Mr Smiths’ of this world.
This is a difficult, if not critical, point in the fight for aires in the North. It could go well for us but it could be an absolute disaster setting our cause back years. I suppose I am simply saying think about what we post and reread it before pressing the send button. I usually preview my posts and think about what I am posting before committing.


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Re: Portumna

Posted: 07.06.2019  ·  #62
Ted! Ted!

Why don't we drive around in a big circle and pull into a different space on the third night?

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