We also have a Teleco dish and were unable to lock onto Astra on the Oct holiday weekend. I then found I could lock onto Hotbird and after googling came across the following advice from a UK site (hope its OK to copy here). The Teleco issue with the Astra satellite occurred in early October:
I am making contact with you in connection with all Teleco Satellite systems and the satellite Astra 28. We have been made aware yesterday of a change to the Astra 28 satellite that will affect the Teleco system’s ability to locate it. This will affect all customers with Magicsat Easy, Flatsat Easy, Flatsat Classic Easy, Flatsat Skew Easy, Flatsat Elegance, Internet Sat & Telesat products.
To overcome this change made to the transmission of Astra 28 Teleco have released a software updater program which is downloadable by following the link below which will take you to the page where you can find the appropriate update for your system. Beware – installing the wrong software for your system will not work and may mean your control box is locked. Please ensure the correct software updater is selected for the system you have. Once the software update to the control box is complete it will enable the system to find the satellite again. This update should take approx. 5 minutes per control box. The control box will need to be connected to a computer with a printer cable and the control panel is required to perform the update. A simple instruction document on how to perform a software update is also attached to assist.
I know you said you downloaded an update from the Teleco website, but its worth checking from the link if you downloaded the correct update