Dear Sir, - I am writing in regard to the letter of complaint sent to your paper by Henry and Thomas Cunningham in relation to the illegal parking of their motorhome at the Lakeland Forum car park. As a business person and tax payer I do not pay taxes and rates to provide free accommodation for caravan and motorhome dwellers. As a trading business I welcome all visitors and tourists to Fermanagh, but I can assure you that persons who intend on parking their motor homes for free anywhere they please are no benefit to the businesses of the county.
Firstly there is no sh <snip>
Copied from the impartial reporter from 2010.
I was going to write a long reply to this but you know what, there is little point, we can all pick massive holes in his argument, his letter is full of untruths, misconceptions and narrow mindedness.
Obviously a campsite owner or hotelier, if we can find out which campsite owner we can boycott the campsite, perhaps Alibob can tell us whichg one was taking the photographs.
If he/she can blatantly take photographs of vans LEGALLY parked then he is obviously not hiding his identity and his objections to Motorhomers, so we will not hide our intentions to fight this.